Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Use coconut oil in your battle with Candida!

Coconut oil is a superfood packed with nutrients that has both anit fungal, anti bacterial AND anti viral properties. If you are serious about curing your candida them look at incorporating coconut oil with a serious treatment such as

Candida Cell Wall Suppressor 

in order to get the best result. When you have finished the course carry on taking the coconut oil alongside a decent probiotic - this will keep you protected from any reinfection with the yeast. Read more about this amazing oil below.

Monday, 28 May 2012

A Candida cure revolution

Up till recently finding a candida cure was an impossible task. Traditional options to try to cure candida used to depend on doctors prescriptions combined with a very strict candida diet. The problem now is that the medications that are commonly used have become ineffectual as the fungus has become resistant. This means that a doctor can only really suggest a strict diet. Candida diets do not actually kill the fungus., they simply restrict the foods that the candida fungus thrives on putting it into a state of hibernation. This will relieve the symptoms of candida as less toxins will be released and patients do feel better, but as soon as they stray from the diet the fungus will immediately bloom again.
A more aggressive approach is needed to kill candida. One solution is chitin synthesis inhibitor. This is a new treatment that has brough hope to a lot of sufferers. It works bu making the fungus unable to produce its usual protective armour. Without the chitin layer in the fungus cells the body can then attack the fungus naturally. Reccommended  protocol is to take a good probiotic and immune system supplements along with the treatment to ensure that your body is able to attack the fungus fully.